

The admission will be made in the order of preference in which they are assigned, in the following letters, the various collectives established for the admission, so that no places will be designated to applicants of a group while there are applications no assigned to the previous group.

The groups are the following:

a) Student who has completed up to 3rd or 4th year of Compulsory Secondary Education in an ordinary manner or through curricular diversification, aged 17 years in the calendar year of enrollment and is enrolled in the CAPV at the time of enrollment. If s/he is not currently, he s/has had to take the last course in Compulsory Secondary Education in this Community.

b) Students who have completed up to the 3rd or 4th year of Compulsory Secondary Education, aged 16 years in the calendar year of enrollment and are enrolled in the Basque Country at the time of registration. If s/he is not currently, he has had to take the last course in Compulsory Secondary Education in this Community.

c) Students who have completed up to 3º of Compulsory Secondary Education, have 15 years in the natural year of enrollment and are enrolled in the CAPV at the time of registration. If he is not currently, he has had to take the last course in Compulsory Secondary Education in this Community.

d) Students who have completed up to the 2nd year of Compulsory Secondary Education, aged 16 years in the calendar year of enrollment and are enrolled in the Basque Country at the time of registration. If s/he is not currently, he has had to take the last course in Compulsory Secondary Education in this Community.

e) Students who have completed up to the 2nd year of Compulsory Secondary Education, aged 15 years in the natural year of enrollment and are enrolled in the Basque Country at the time of registration. If s/he is not currently, he has had to take the last course in Compulsory Secondary Education in this Community.

f) Students over the age of 17 who have completed the third or fourth year of Compulsory Secondary Education or, exceptionally, have completed the second year of Compulsory Secondary Education and the teaching team has proposed, where appropriate, to families or legal guardians their incorporation into a cycle of Basic Vocational Training.

g) Other applicants that are not included in the previous groups, as long as they accredit an age equal to or older than 17 years in the calendar year of registration.

Within each group, the order of priority will be given by the best average grade of the academic record, calculated as indicated in the sixth instruction of Annex I. In the case of the group of letter g) the priority will be established by age, from least to greatest.