On Thursday, March 21st, the second level students participated in a First Aid course taught by Mr. Carlos Antonio Pérez, Head of the Primary Care Unit of the Ezkerraldea-Enkarterri District (belonging to the Department of Osakidetza), and coordinated by Elena Sánchez, Head of Training and Labor Orientation of the Basic Vocational Training Portugalete
The course lasted two hours. The techniques and procedures for action in vital emergencies were explained, focusing to a large extent on basic cardiopulmonary resuscitation, obstruction of the airway by foreign body and assisted resuscitation with defibrillator among other things.
Our students were divided into groups and participated practicing the different maneuvers in various scenarios of urgent assistance. Let's hope that nobody may need to execute them in real life but, in case of being forced, these small big gestures may come to save someone from a dangerous situation.
We take this opportunity to leave a link of interest related to First Aid
- eSano (initiative of Osakidetza to broadcast videos related to health)