


1.- Priority will be granted to students aged 16 or 17 years old in the calendar year of access and, subsequently, to 15-year-old students who do not meet the requirements for promotion to the third year of Compulsory Secondary Education.

2.- If the number of vacancies in the training offer is lower than the number of applications submitted, the following scale will be applied to all applicants for admission to Basic Vocational Training:

• Pupils enrolled in the Autonomous Community of the Basque Country at the time of registration or that their last course of ESO schooling has taken place in this community.

• Students who have completed the 3rd or 4th year of ESO in an ordinary way or through curricular diversification, giving enrollment preference to 17-year-olds over 16-year-olds, and to those over 15-year-olds.

• Students who have completed up to the 2nd year of ESO giving preference to enrollment for 16 year olds as opposed to 15 years old in the calendar year of enrollment.

3.- Students who have completed a PCPI (Initial Professional Qualification Program) in the 2014-2015 academic year without obtaining the corresponding certificate for the Program, may be admitted to attend the second year of a Basic Vocational Training cycle, provided that, after the application and positive resolution of validation of professional modules, can access the 2nd year of a cycle of Basic Vocational Training.

4.- In any of the cases, in order to undo ties that occur in the scale, it will be ordered in the first place, from the youngest to the oldest, and if the tie persists, a public draw will be made, in accordance with what the Department responsible for education establishes for this purpose.


The duration of the Basic Vocational Training is 2,000 hours, equivalent to 2 academic years and composed of the following modules:

· Modules associated with Competence Units of the National Catalog of Professional Qualifications (in our case Vehicle Maintenance and Hairdressing and Aesthetics)

Modules associated with Lifelong Learning competences:
Social and Communication Modules I and II that includes the following subjects:
     - Spanish language
     - Basque language
     - English (as a Foreign language)
     - Social Sciences

Module of Applied Sciences I and II
     - Mathematics Applied to the Personal Context and of Learning in a Professional Field
     - Applied Sciences to the Personal Context and of Learning in a Professional Field

· On-The-Job Training Module

The pedagogical criteria with which the training programs of these cycles are developed will be adapted to the specific characteristics of the students and will encourage teamwork. Professional tutoring and educational guidance will have special consideration.