The Basic Vocational Training Municipal Institute (BVTMI) Portugalete gives an outstanding attention to the management of conflicts that may arise in the school environment and that deteriorate interpersonal relationships, harming coexistence to a greater or lesser extent.
Admonishments, sanctions and writen warnings do not always repair certain behaviors that occur in our classrooms and workshops. For this reason we have a tool that monitors, discusses and manages situations that disturb the favorable and desirable climate to ensure planned teachingand good development of activities in a cordial environment: School mediation.
This mediation is articulated through a mediating body formed by representatives of the students, as well as a representative of the institute who act as moderators and facilitators.
This mediating body, once a conflict has been detected, will make an assessment of it, collect information in an objective manner about the case to be dealt with and listen to the parties involved, and then establish an action that dissipates any dispute or reprobable behavior, trying to satisfy all the parties to get concrete and reviewable agreements.
A willingness to cooperate by all the parties is necessary to agree on an agreed action, establishing clearly the measures to be adopted and the date or deadlines agreed.
It is convenient to evaluate the action after a time to check the conflict and to know if the measures adopted have to be rethought or, on the contrary, the incident is solved.