


The cancellation of enrollment in a cycle of Basic Vocational Training will suppose to cause loss in all the modules in which the person who requests it is registered and, consequently, it will not be evaluated nor will it appear in the minutes of the final evaluation of the course. The request will be addressed to the principal of the center. The request, which must be submitted before December 31, documentary proof, will be resolved favorably, provided that any of the following circumstances:

• Prolonged illness of the student or student.
• Incorporation to a job that prevents normal dedication to study.
• Obligations of a personal or family type that impede the normal dedication to the study.
• Other extraordinary circumstances appreciated by the director of the center to whom the request is addressed.

A copy of the Resolution will be attached to the student's academic record.

The enrolled student with 15 years of age can not cancel the enrollment in the first course.


In the face-to-face modality, attendance at the training activities is the necessary condition that keeps the enrollment current.

In the period that elapses from the beginning of the school year until the end of December, when a student accumulates a number of unexcused absences equal or superior to the one established in the following section, the principal of the center, at the proposal of the head of studies, will agree on the cancellation of registration that has been formalized. For this, the person responsible for the head of studies will send a communication to the student, or to their parents or legal representative, as appropriate, at the time when the number of accumulated unjustified absences of attendance represents 30% of the overall duration of the taught periods of the modules as a whole, provided that a minimum of twenty academic days have elapsed. It will also do so in the event that 10 days of continuous absence have elapsed. In this communication will remember the obligation to attend scheduled school activities and it will be indicated that will proceed to the ex officio discharge of enrollment in the case of accumulating new absences of unjustified assistance from the reception of the communication or the attempt of notification at the address indicated in the academic record.