The framework of coexistence in the Municipal Institute of Basic Vocational Training Portugalete is regulated under Decree 201/2008 with respect to the rights and duties of students and other members of the educational community in order to coexist in a democratic, plural, tolerant and egalitarian according to the purposes that the educational activity attributes the laws.
The Guide for the application of the decree on rights and duties of the students of the non-university teaching centers of the Autonomous Community of the Basque Country shows a summary of the structure of the aforementioned Decree in order to facilitate its application.
Likewise, inappropriate, contrary and seriously harmful conduct to coexistence is typified, as well as corrective measures and procedures for these supposed faults.
We extract here summarized and explanatory the most relevant aspects in terms of rights and duties of students refers:
The Guide for the application of the decree on rights and duties of the students of the non-university teaching centers of the Autonomous Community of the Basque Country shows a summary of the structure of the aforementioned Decree in order to facilitate its application.
Likewise, inappropriate, contrary and seriously harmful conduct to coexistence is typified, as well as corrective measures and procedures for these supposed faults.
We extract here summarized and explanatory the most relevant aspects in terms of rights and duties of students refers:
- A comprehensive education with immediate attention
- An objective assessment of academic performance
- A school and professional orientation
- The integrity, identity and personal dignity as well as freedom of conscience and expression
- Meet, associate and express themselves in the teaching center
- The participation
- Information
- Equality of opportunities
- Social protection.
- Attend and participate in the classes and in the different activities proposed by the teaching team during school hours (also in the complementary activities and in other training activities related to the promotion of the prevention of drug addiction or education in values, among others apprenticeships, through viewing movies, participation in monographs, etc.)
- Study (without distracting or distracting the rest of the classmates by chatting, using the mobile phone, etc.)
- Respect school rules such as punctuality, respect for colleagues, teachers and other staff, whether teachers or not, who are in the center as well as respect for facilities and to the material contained in them.
- Respect the freedom of personal conscience and promote coexistence.